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找了好久终于找到资源当年此片被定性为反华作品现在看来确实过于上纲上线里面的中国人也绝非没有以正面形象示人完美陌生人(原声版)正片只是将流寇的来源设定成了中国没想到就会被如此理解更何况片中时间背景还是晚清有流寇出没也属合理 此片可以算是黑泽明电影风格的转折点从此之后天皇便逐步摆脱原有明快稳健的叙事风格转而追求古朴厚重以至于《年轻的小婊3》被诟病节奏太拖拉称得上是佳作但对于当时段位的黑泽明而言算是失手了
SIFF #6 Real-life coming of age movie. What stands out here is the subtle push and pull dynamics between modern values and conservative traditions. On one hand we have characters saying the "correct" things, like "we parents shouldn't interfere what our children want", or there seemingly is direct intervention from School teachers and folks from "People's Committee" aiming to protect children's rights, which makes you think that tradition, as it stands, maybe are merely performative traditions in this day and age. Until at the very end when the brutal sequence unfolds in front of our eyes, the camera and the parents of Di, who almost decides to do nothing.